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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : A

(ABC2) Aberrant Behavior Checklist 2nd Edition
The Aberrant Behavior Checklist 2nd Edition (ABC2) is a symptom checklist for assessing problem behaviors of children and adults with an intellectual disability at home, in residential facilities, ICFs/MR, and work training centers

(ARES) Anger Regulation and Expression Scales
The ARES is a comprehensive, self-report assessment of the expression and regulation of anger in youth. Derived from the Anger Disorder Scale (ADS™; DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2004; page 98), the ARES has been designed specifically for children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years.

(AT-30) Teaching Reading Sourcebook - 3rd Edition

(ALDA) Analytic Learning Disability Assessment. Kindergarten to High School. Measures students ability in 77 skills to create an individual learning plan. ALDA -EZ Analyzes Reading, Spelling, Math, Handwriting and more into several diverse ways.

(ATFR) Arlin Test of Formal Reasoning as defined by Piaget's operational schemata Compensations, Correlations, Probability, Combinations, Proportions, Form of Conservation Beyond Direct Verifications and more.

(AAB) Academic Achievement Battery Comprehensive Form

(ABDS) Adaptive Behavior Diagnostic Scale

(ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Symptoms and Suggestions for Treatment. Answers the Most Commonly Asked Questions About ADHD/ADD

(ABAS3) Adaptive Behavior Assessment System 3rd Ed

(ACTERS) ADD-H: Comprehensive Teacher's Rating Scale-Parent and Teachers Kit: Measures Attention, Hyperactivity, Social Skills and Oppositional Behavior

(ASDS) Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale.
Examiner's Manual & Summary/Response Forms

(APST) Auditory Phoneme Sequencing Test

(ADHDT2) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Test 2nd Ed.

(ASFOS) Articulation Stories for Older Students. Perfect for School or Clinical Settings. Target Sound in Book I: ae, j, ingk, l,r,s, f, tf. Book II: Linguistic rules for pluralization and past tense stories.

(ASFYS) Articulation Stories for Younger Students. Integrates early learned articulation skills in Language experience. Develops Labials, Alveolars and Velars.
Development Articulation Skills,phonemies, syllable strucutures, intelligence

(ALFA) Assessment of Language-Related Functional Activities. An Excellent on Hand Method of Teaching: Time, Counting Money; Addressing an Envelope; Solving Daily Math Problems; Writing Checks/Balancing Checkbook, Understanding Medicine Labels and more
Application in: Subacute Rehab programs, Group Homes, Foster Care Homes,Nursing Homes, Home Health Care

(AMP) Achievement Motivation Profile NEW
Identifies personal factors that affect academic performance and provides specific recommendations for improvement.

(APAT) Auditory Processing Abilities Test
Ages: 5 to 12-11
Testing Time: 45 minutes
Norm-referenced; scaled scores, standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents

(APPSI) Assessment for Persons Profoundly or Severely Impaired. Excellent Resource for Effective Intervention for persons mental age from 0 to 8 months
This assessment provides: Visual, Auditory, Tactille Stimuli on the receptive side

(AQ) Aggression Questionnaire Complete Kit
The AQ is a revision of the Buss-Durkey Hostility Inventory. A practical and a cost effective means to measure aggression in many types of institutional settings, schools, nursing homes, correctional facilities and businesses. The resultants measures indicates possible intevention for corrective measures, rehabilitation or remediation.

(Arizona-4) Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale Revised 4th Edition
Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale Revised 4th Edition

(ASIEP-3) Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning. Examines Behavior in five areas: Sensory, Relating, Body Concept, Language and Self Help.

(AT-4) Auditory Processes (Must for Regular & Special Ed Classrooms. Literally hundreds of remedial exercises for each condition.)

(FA-1) Fundamentals of Autism. Identifies six relevant subscales: Situational, object, social interactions,Patterns and sequences, Cognitive thought processes., Communication, Sensory stimulation, Repetitive, stereotyped and or self stimulatory.
identifies six subscales: abnormal or impared development....Patterns/sequences,cognitive/thought processes,communication,sensory stimulation, repetetive, stereotyped or self stimulatory

(GP-12) ADHD Rating Scale-IV: Checklists, Norms, Clinical Interpretation. It is a reliable instrument for diagnosing ADHD in Children and Adolescents, and for assessing treatment response.

(GP-16) New Look at ADHD:Inhibition, Time, & Self Control

(GP-20) A Parent's Guide To Asperger Syndrome & High Functioning Autism
Parent Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism

(GPV) These programs follow a natural progression and constitute an exemplary video Library on ADHD: What Do We Know? What Can We Do? and ADHD in the Class Room

(JW-16) Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders 3rd Ed. Volume 1 & 2

(KADI) Krug Asperger's Disorder Index. Predictive Ability to differentiate Asperger's Syndrome from high Functioning Autism.

(NAS-PI) Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory. An excellent way to assess anger reactivity, suppression and Change in anger disposition, in correctional, clinical community settings.

(PE-98) Attention Deficit Disorder Third Edition . ADHD and ADD , how it interferes with classroom learning, job performance, social skills development and behavior at home

(DTAP) Developmental Test of Auditory Perception.

(ASLP) Annual Speech Language Planner. This Planner is a real must to have for appointments, and follow ups.

(PE-139) Inclusion of Students with Autism: Using ABA-Based Supports in General Education

(AARS) Adolescent Anger Rating Scale

(ADI-R1) Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised Kit

(ASRS) Autism Spectrum Rating Scales
Identifies symptoms, behaviors and associated features of Autism Spectrum Diisorders (Also available in Spanish)

(AT-24) Articulation Tales: Stories for Articulation Remediation

(LAT) LinguiSystems Articulation Test

(PE-77) Assessment & Treatment of Articulation & Phological Disorder in Children 2nd Ed.

(PLP-3) Assessment in Emergent Literacy

(PLP-4) Auditory Verbal Practice Teaching Spoken Language Through Listening

(TGG-1220) ABC's of Bullying Prevention

(AT26) Assessing Reading Multiple Measures

(WPS-493) Autism Conversations


(PH-5) How to Reach & Teach Teenagers with ADHD
Price: $32.95
This step-by-step comprehensive guide encompasses 10 chapters. It is a practical and complete resource packed with tested, up-to-date information and techniques to help teachers, counselors, and parents, understand the nature and treatment of adolescents with ADHD.

(GP-16) A new Look at ADHD. Dr.Russel A. Barkley proposes it is fundamentally a disorder of self- regulation, not attention.
Price: $84.15

(CWCP-11) Angry Monster Machine
Price: $54.95
The Angry Monster Machine

(CWCP-4)Anger Solution Game
Price: $54.95

(ADOS-2) Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition

(AACP-1) Augmentative & Alternative Communication Profile: A Continuum of Learning Complete Kit
Price: $88.00

(AACP-2) Augmentative & Alternative Communication Profile: A Continuum of Learning Virtual Examiner's Manual
Price: $42.00

(APPSI 2-1) Assessment for Persons With Profound or Severe Impairments-Second Edition, Complete Kit
Price: $322.00

APPSI Complete 2nd Edition

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