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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : C

(CAIMI) Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory
For students with academic difficulties, the CAIMI is an excellent resource for differentiating motivation from achievement and ability factors.

(COSS) Children’s Organizational Skills Scale
Designed to help an assessor understand how children organize their time, materials, and actions to accomplish important tasks at home and school. It quantifies the organizational skills of children aged 8 to 13 based on ratings from parents, teachers, and the child.

(CHAMP) Child & Adolescent Memory Profile

(COVR) Classification of Violence Risk
The COVR is an interactive software program that guides you through a brief chart review and a 10-minute interview with the patient to create a statistically valid estimate of the patient’s violence risk after discharge into the community. The report includes the confidence interval for that estimate and a list of the questions used to produce the estimate.

(CASL-2) Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language - 2nd Edition

(CONNERS 3) Conners 3rd Ed. Designed as a focused assessment of childhood and adolescent ADHD, or as a measure of oppositional defiant and conduct disorder.

(CVES) Core Vocabulary Exchange System

(CEC) Conners Early Childhood. Behavioral and Developmental testing for Children ages 2-6 . A Super Product!

(CDI-2) Children Depression Inventory 2nd Edition.The CDI 2 can be used in both educational and clinical settings to evaluate depressive symptoms in children and adolescents.NEW
Measures the Assessment of a child or adolescent's depressive symptoms

(CVFES) Children's Version Family Environment Scale. Provides valuable feedback for family therapy & School Counseling
Manual, Profiles, Booklets & W /A Sheets

(CAVLT-2-1) Childrens Auditory Verbal Learning Test 2nd Ed,

(CTONI-2) Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence – Second Edition NEW

(CARS-2) Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Ed

(CAARS) Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales. Assess a broad range of problem behaviors
Forms Relevant to Clinical assessment of ADHD

(CTOBS-2) Criterion Test of Basic Skills-2

(CEI) Children's Early Intervention.Prepare & Assess Kindergarten Success
Manuals, Cards, Booklets & Work Sheets

(CAYC) Cognitive Assessment of Young Children

(K-CPT) Conner's Kiddy Continuous Performance Test Version 5. Assessment of Attention Problems & Measure of Treatment Efficacy.

(CREVT-3) Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test.

(CTMT) Comprehensive Trial-Making a 5-10 Minutes rapid and reliable assessment of brain injury that is sensitive to frontal lobe functioning

(CTVF) Comprehensive Test of Visual Functioning Kit. This Functional Test is appropriate with Population manifesting Visual-Perceptual Problems secondary to acute or chronic disorder procesess.Accurately Detects and discriminates visual processing problem

(CASDNB 2) Cognative Assessment System Brief 2nd Ed

(CASDNR 2) Cognitive Assessment System Rating Scale 2nd Ed

(CASDN2) Cognitive Assessment System - 2nd.Ed.
Scores to identify cognitive strengths and deficits and related academic weaknesses.

(CAT-C) Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit- Child Kit

(CAS-2) Cognitive Abilities Scale 2nd Ed

(CASD) Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorders (CASD) NEW!

(W-1 to W-22) Pocket ColorCards, (W-1 to W-22)

(MHS-7)Caroll Depression Scales.

( JW-13) Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook

Complete Learning Disabilities Resource Library. Volume I, Volume II, Volume I & II

(CADL-1) Communication Activity in Daily Living Kit

(CADL-3) Communication Activities of Daily Living - 3rd Edition

(CMOCS) Children's Measure of Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms

(CCG-1) Cool Caps and Games

(CASDN) Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment Sytem
Cognitive processing measure of ability that is fair to minority children, effective for differential diagnosis, and related to intervention

(CEFI) Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory. NEW
The CEF is a commprehensive evaluation. NOW is available in English and Spanish, -BUY IT NOW-

(COLD) Curriculum for Oral Language Development. Complete Kit.

(CVMT) Continuous Visual Memory Test Kit.

(REM-1082A) Comprehension Skills Cards Reading Level 2.0-3.5 (REM-1082B) Comprehension Skills Cards Reading Level 3.0-4.5
Grades 3 - 12; Readability Grades 2 - 5
Six key comprehension skills are featured in each of these boxed sets.

(CARS-1) Childhood Autism Rating Scale. The examiner rates each of the 15 items using a 7 point scale and using the CARS indicates the degree of deviation from that of a normal child. 1

(PLP-2) Clinical Approaches to Emergent Literacy Intervention

(PCI-LS-2) Community Game

(CRS-R) Conners' Rating Scale Revised
Standard Instrument for the Assement of ADHD in Children/Adolescents

(CWCP-5) Conflict Resolution Game,

(PE1003) 100% Curriculum Vocabulary

(CAB) Clinical Assessment of Behavior

(ChIA) Children's Inventory of Anger


"Right connections are no abstraction, but like a beacon on a hill, direct our purpose to safe waters. It is this partnership, rightly directed, that leads us to productive ends."

Connections by Doug Brown

(C-1) Children, Problems & Guidelines
Price: $63.25

(FLS-8) Common Ground
Price: $49.95

(FLS-25) Call me Capable
Price: $49.95

(CAAP-2-1) Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology 2nd Ed.
Price: $296.00

(CTOPP-2-1) Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing 2nd Ed.
Price: $393.00

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