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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : E

(EESRS) Einstein Evaluation of School Related Skills
The EESRS-2 is the new revision for the Einstein evaluation of school related skills. Perfect for the at-home-schooler, the Einstein will check to see if your child is making the grade. Now complete with new stimulus items for visual motor performance, with new levels inclusive of preschool, kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grade. The new Einstein 2 measures school-related achievement skills for: language/cognition, letter and word recognition, oral reading, reading comprehension, auditory memory, arithmetic and visual-motor performance.

(E=MC2) Einstein Evaluation of School Related Skills
Limited supply left! Check out the updated version of this test, the EESRS-2!

(EFTE:NU) Executive Functions Test–Elementary: Normative Update

(EASY-OT) Educational Assessment of School Youth for Occupational Therapists. Appropriate tool for pre-K through high school students as well as low functioning, autistic, physically disabled students
An Ingenious discovery , and design an instrument assessing how functional ability of children impact classroom performance. (a must have tool for all O.T.'s) * A GREAT NEW ITEM, Occupational Therapists simply love this Educational Assessment *

(ELLA) Emerging Literacy & Language Assessment
The Emerging Literacy & Language Assessment (ELLA), evaluates the skills children ages 4;6 to 9;11 need to become proficient readers. The ELLA meets Early Reading First requirements for educators needing to use evidence-based diagnostic tools to identify children at risk for reading failure. The manual includes a Curriculum and Classroom Connection for each of the 22 subtests and case studies to help you establish treatment and IEP goals.

(EASIC-3) Evaluating Acquired Skills in Communication . 3 Edition

(DAP:SPED):Draw A Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance. Grade 1 to 12
Complete DAP:SPED Kit includes: Examiner’s Manual, 10 Scoring Templates, and 25 Record Forms, all in a sturdy storage box. (

(EIRR) Early Intervention for Reading Recovery

EDMARK Mastery Tests, Level 1 and Level 2

(ELM-2) 2ND ed. Early Language Milestone Scale Complete
Manual, Forms & Kit

(EOWPVT-4) Expressive one-word test kit NOW Available in Spanish An excellent test that provides an assessment of an individual's English speaking vocabulary
Manual, Test Plates & Record Forms, in English or Spanish.

(EOWPVT-4S) SPANISH-BILINGUAL Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test

(ESS) Essential Skills Screener
3 Completes, Manual, Book & Forms The math and writing screeners can be group administered, often leading to efficient screening and scoring of an entire class in about an hour.

(EVT) Expressive Vocabulary Test

(WPS-11) Emotional Bingo for (6-12) or WPS-12 for (12-18)

(WPS-14) Nobody Asked Me! (It's about Divorce)

(ERA) Early Reading Assessment Kit

(ERP-2) Edmark Reading Program Second Edition

(EBS) Emotional and Behavioral Screener

(EFWS) Edmark Functional Word Series 2nd. Ed: Listing of Four (4) Kits
Job/Words Kit; Signs Around You Kit; Grocery Words Kit; Fast Food/Restaurant Words Kit.

(EI 2595) SEE 'N' WRITE

(ELF-1) Early Literacy Fountation

(EIWE-1 )Evaluating and Improving Written Expression
Price: $58.00
Evaluating and Improving Written Expression

(ACA-7) Exercises for Descriptive Language
Price: $34.00
4-10 with oral language deficits

Challenge your students to describe events, objects, and situations clearly and precisely. Reproducible pictures and worksheets are included for many of the stories that help children develop these important language skills. Important for children with oral language deficits or second language learners.


(EQS) Early Question Skills Complete
Price: $74.25
Early Question Skills Complete

(JW-11) Essentials of KABC-II
Price: $38.95

(CWCP-25) Esacpe from Anger Island)
Price: $49.95

(ELT-2NU-1) Expressive Language Test - Second Edition: Normative Update (Complete Kit)
Price: $236.00

(ELT-2NU-2) Examiner's Manual
Price: $89.00

(ELT-2NU-3) Examiner Record Booklet (25)
Price: $51.00

(ELT-2NU-4) Stimuli Book
Price: $57.00

(ELT-2NU-5) Picture Sequence Cards (16)
Price: $40.00

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