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(NDRT-2) Nelson-Denny Reading Test - 2nd Edition
The Nelson-Denny Reading Test - 2nd Edition is a valid and reliable measure of silent reading vocabulary, comprehension, and rate. It includes two parallel forms, Form I and Form J, that have been equated and can be used interchangeably as pretests and posttests.

(GP-16) New Look at ADHD:Inhibition, Time, & Self Control. (Excellent)
Price: $84.15
Dr. Russell A. Barkley demonstrates the need for a new theory of ADHD, proposing it is fundamentally a disorder of self-regulation, not attention. Viewers will see how this new theory better accounts for such symptoms as impulsive behavior, problems with managing time effectively, emotional volatility, and lack of planning and foresight in those with ADHD.
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