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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : K / (KBIT-2) Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Complete kit
(KBIT-2-1) Kaufman Kit 4-90 yrs, persons institutional settings, prisons, group homes, clinical rehabilitation, mental health centers

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Price: $418.25
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Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT)

author Alan S. Kaufman & Nadeen L. Kaufman

Age:4-90 Administration: 15-30 minutes. Individual

The K-BIT is well-respected and popular because it provides more information than any other brief measure of intelligence. Quick and easy to use, K-BIT provides results you can count on. By measuring two distinct cognitive functions through two subtests, K-BIT gives a balanced assessment.

Vocabulary Subtest (VERBAL):
Expressive Vocabulary
Measures crystallized thinking
knowledge ofwords and their meanings.

Matrices Subtest (NONVERBAL):
Measures fluid thinking – the ability to solve new problems through perceiving relationships and completing analogies.

Because all Matrices items contain pictures and abstract designs rather than words, nonverbal ability can be assessed even when language skills are limited. And if there is a significant disparity between verbal and nonverbal scores, K-BIT provides insight for the next step. For instance, a low score on Verbal and a high score on Nonverbal might suggest a language problem rather than low intelligence. All the test items and responses are contained in a handy flip-book easel.


Obtaining a quick estimate of intelligence
Estimating an individual’s verbal versus nonverbal intelligence
Screening to identify students who may benefit from enrichment or gifted programs

Obtaining a quick estimate of the intellectual ability of adults in institutional settings, such as prisons, group homes, rehabilitation clinics, or mental health centers

Concurrent validity was established by analysis with the WISC-R, WAIS-R, and K-ABC. Scores are provided on a familiar scale, where mean = 100 and standard deviation = 15. Internal consistency reliabilities average .94 overall, .93 for the Vocabulary subtest and .88 for the Matrices subtest. All test items were carefully checked for cultural and gender bias.


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