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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : R / (RDB) Reading Detective Books
(RDB-1) Reading Detective Books grds2+/3-4 ability

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Price: $24.99
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Reading Detective Books

Grade: 3-8

Reading Detective uses higher-order thinking and standards-based content to teach students superior reading comprehension skills and help them excel on state tests. The activities develop reading skills by requiring students to answer multiple-choice and short-response questions then provide sentence-level evidence for their answers. Each level begins with brief lessons, introducing reading and analysis skills through single-skill units such as defining vocabulary using context clues, identifying theme, then move to teach specific reading and literary analysis skills and mixed-skills activities.

Teaching Support books contain program goals, pretests and posttests, a glossary of terms, and answers that include evidence and detailed explanations of the evidence. Reading Skills: define vocabulary using context, compare and contrast, distinguish cause/effect and fact/opinion, draw conclusions and follow directions, identify main idea and supporting details, make generalizations/inferences/predictions, read for details and information, sequence facts and steps, use tables, diagrams, illustrations, recognize analogy, predict outcomes. Literacy Analysis Skills: analyze character traits, sequence and identify key events in plot, identify theme and setting, predict resolution, identify author's purpose, recognize figurative language, recognize conflict and point of view.


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