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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : S / (SVPSS) Slosson Visual Perceptual Skill Screener. Excellent for children with learning disabilities, visual-perceptual deficiencies, visual processing disorders.
(SVPSS-1) Slosson Visual Perceptual Skill Screener Complete Kit NEW

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Price: $171.50
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Slosson Visual Perceptual Skill Screener (SVPSS) NEW
author Bradley Erford

Age: 5 – 10
Administration: 5 – 10 minutes
Scoring: 3 – 5 minutes

The SVPSS is a well-standardized, norm-referenced assessment of a child’s ability to perceive visual information. The three 20-item subtests include: Visual Discrimination, Visual Figure-Ground, and Visual Closure and each subtest is an important component of visual-perception, visual processing, and pre-reading skills. The SVPSS is helpful in diagnosing children with learning disabilities, visual-perceptual deficiencies, and visual processing disorders.

The SVPSS can be administered by psychologists, learning specialists, educational diagnosticians, resource specialists, reading specialists, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers, counselors, and other specialists.

The SVPSS allows the conversions of raw scores to standard scores, percentile ranks, interpretive ranges and age-equivalents for each subtest individually. All three subtests can be combined into a Total Standard Score and percentile rank. Standard error of measurement ranges are also provided.

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