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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : S / (STRR) Slosson Test of Reading Readiness. Concentrates on "at risk" of failure of formal reading: Capital/Lower Case and Matching Capital and Lower Case Letters, Visual Discrimination, Matching Word Forms, Auditory Discrimination, Beginning Sounds, Seque
(STRR-1) Slosson Test of Reading Readiness complete

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Price: $166.25
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Slosson Test of Reading Readiness (STRR)

Author: Leslie Anne Perry, Gary J. Vitali

Grade:Later Kindergarten

Administration: 15 minutes. Individual

A child’s readiness to read has become one of the most vital and frequent concerns of school professionals today. The STRR was designed to identify children who are “at-risk” of failure in programs of formal reading instruction. Utility and accountability were key goals in the development of the STRR. It can be used to screen those children (toward the end of kindergarten or first grade) whose emerging competence with reading is problematic and may require additional instruction or assessment. Stimulus items are relevant to contemporary programs of prereading instruction. This test was designed to be administered by teachers, assessment specialists, and paraprofessionals.

Test administration and scoring are quick and easy. Test results can be reported in a traditional normed referenced format via scaled scores with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 16. In addition, criterion-referenced pass/fail tables are included by subtest and by total score.

The STRR manual is comprehensive. Sections covering administration and scoring are clear and concise. Test reliability (Coefficient Alpha) is .96 and test stability (one week, Pearson Product Moment Correlation) is .87. Predictive validity studies were performed using several of the country’s most widely used standardized tests which target reading. The STRR test items cluster on cognitive, auditory, and visual abilities.

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