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Main Category : I / (IVSFOS) Irregular Verb Stories for Older Students
(IVSFOS-1) Irregular Verb Stories for older Students
Price: $73.50
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Irregular Verb Stories for Older Students
by Joan S. Kissel
Grade: 3-Adult

Administration: Individual or group. All therapy settings

Purpose:Materials designed to remediate those irregular verbs which have not generalized to Standard English forms for whatever reason: colloquial speech, dialectical differences, ESOL, hearing-impairment, or a persisting language form resistant to change.

Irregular Verb Stories for Older Students (IVSFOS) presents a series of stories which facilitate the use of Standard English forms of irregular verbs through the use of a cueing system. The student is given an underlined word which indicates the form of the irregular verb to use in completing a closure format. Correct verb use is made, even though it may not sound “natural” to the student. Students read back their completed sentences and/or stories, giving them auditory, written, and spelling feedback.

IVSFOS is based on the premise of establishing linguistic rules for the use of irregular verb tenses through audition, auditory recall, judgment, reading, writing, and natural language.
This resource book is appropriate for use with regular classroom students who need help remediating their use of irregular verbs, with ESOL students who are learning English as a second language, with language delayed or disordered students, and with adults who need help changing their colloquial speech to Standard English.


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