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Main Category : R / (RIPA-2) Ros Information Processing Assessment. Second Edition
(RIPA-2-1) Ross Information Processing Assessment Kit
Price: $203.00
Qty :
Ages: 15-0 through 90
Testing Time: 60 minutes
Administration: Individual
The ross information processing Assessment-Second Edition (RIPA-2) is a current revision of the popular ross information processing Assessment. The addition of reliability and validity studies performed on individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major improvement in the test.
The RIPA-2 enables the examiner to quantify cognitive-linguistic deficits, determine severity levels for each skill area, and develop rehabilitation goals and objectives. The RIPA-2 provides quantifiable data for profiling 10 key areas basic to communicative and cognitive functioning:
•Immediate Memory
•Recent Memory
•Temporal Orientation (Recent Memory)
•Temporal Orientation (Remote Memory)
•Spatial Orientation
•Orientation to Environment
•Recall of General information
•Problem Solving and Abstract Reasoning
•Auditory processing and Retention
The study sample included 126 individuals with traumatic brain injury in 17 states. The sample was representative of TBI demographics for gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Internal consistency reliability was investigated, and the mean reliability coefficient for RIPA-2 subtests was .85, with a range of .67 to .91. This indicates that test error was minimal and that the RIPA-2 can be used with confidence. Content, construct, and criterion-related validity also were thoroughly studied. Correlations between the RIPA-2 and selected subtests of The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability show a considerable relationship. The RIPA-2 scores distinguish dramatically between groups known to have cognitive deficits and those known to have normal cognitive skills. The investigations were done by independent researchers working in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, clinics, and private practices. Convincing evidence also is provided to demonstrate that RIPA-2 items are not biased with regard to age or gender.
New Features of the RIPA-2
1.Internal consistency reliability is demonstrated.
2.Criterion-related validity studies demonstrate a considerable relationship with other cognitive batteries.
3.The provision of a factorial analysis has enhanced the construct validity of the test.
4.Studies demonstrating the absence of age and gender bias have been added.
5.A representative study sample of individuals with traumatic brain injury has been included.
6.Administration procedures have been rewritten for improved clarity.
7.Standard scores have been included in addition to raw scores and percentiles.
8.Test items have proven to be unbiased.
Complete RIPA-2 Kit includes: Examiner’s Manual, 25 Record Forms, and 25 Profile/Summary Forms, all in a sturdy storage box.

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