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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : S / (SIT-R3-1P) Slosson Intelligence Test Revised Combo Kit. With Profile Analysis for Children and Adults
(SIT-R3-1P) Slosson Intelligence Test Revised with Profile analysis

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Price: $255.50
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Slosson Intelligence Test – Revised Third Edition Combo Kit (SIT-R3-1P)
With Profile Analysis for Children and Adults
Richard L. Slosson, PhD / Revised by: Charles L. Nicholson, PhD / Terry L. Hibpshman, PhD
Visually Impaired Supplementary Manual by: Sue Larson, PhD
▶ Ages: 4 through 65 years
▶ IQ Range: 36 - 164
▶ Individual Administration: 10 - 20 minutes

The Combo Kit includes the SIT-R3 along with the Profile Analysis (PA). Profiling the SIT-R3 was made possible because of the strengthening of each subdomain, allowing for the creation of Verbal Indices Category Standard Scores and Total Standard Scores (TSS). These standard scores can then be compared to the WISC-III Verbal VIQ. In addition, teachers may then compare ability and achievement using SIT-R Standard Scores and Standard Scores from any achievement test having grade equivalents/percentiles for reading, math, or spelling.

Profile Analysis for the Slosson Intelligence Test – Revised Third Edition
Charles L. Nicholson, PhD / Edited by: Steven W. Slosson
Teachers and/or Educators can profile student’s strengths and weaknesses using the Profile Analysis (PA) for the SIT-R3. The Profile Analysis will compare ability with achievement, yielding Expected Achievement Levels. Teachers can then respond to these levels and intervene and remediate. Additionally, teachers can Respond Through Intervention (RTI) by comparing the six category standard scores.
SIT-R3 Combo Kit includes SIT-R3 Complete Kit and Profile Analysis Complete Kit.
Profile Analysis Complete Kit includes SIT-R3 Profile Analysis Manual, Scoring Template (Set of 3), Profile Forms (50), and Yellow Score Sheets (50).

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