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Main Category : T / (TCWL-2-1) Teaching Competence in Written Language 2d Ed.
(TCWL-2-1) Teaching Competence in Written Language-2 , Complete Program
Price: $64.00
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A Systematic Program for Developing Writing Skills
From the basic sentence to the formal essay, Teaching Competence in Written Language is the program to choose to teach writing at any level. This program works because it teaches both basic and advanced writing skills in an easy to learn, step-by-step format. Each lesson also includes social (pragmatic) uses of writing and proofreading and error recognition.
his program is different from other programs in the field because it can be used either:
As a step-by-step, structured hierarchy of writing skills, from the most basic to advanced, or
As a resource to plug into any level where an individual or group needs focused work. From the original 44 lessons, the program has been modified and expanded to a total of 80 lessons for individuals or groups at different levels of ability.
You will be able to focus on skill areas as follows:
Unit I - Complete, descriptive sentences, both simple and complex‹Whole sentences, encoding time, compound subjects/predicates/clauses, subordinate clauses, and sentence proofreading and error recognition.
Unit II - Simple paragraphs‹Time order and sequence words, imagery use, and paragraph proofreading and error recognition.
Unit III - Writing for a purpose‹Tailoring writing to different audiences; introduction to types of paragraphs‹descriptive; narrative (story), explanatory, and persuasive; sentence complexity, and proofreading and error recognition.
Unit IV - Formal essays‹Tailoring to different audiences and purposes, the Basic Model of an Essay, types of essays in-depth, and proofreading and error recognition.
Teaching Competence in Written Language is a complete package for intensive expressive language instruction/remediation. Plus, you will have permission to duplicate the forms in the Teacher¹s Guide, making this a cost-effective program

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