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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : W / (WPS) WISC-IV Educational Applications of the WISC-IV.
(WPS-18) Educational Application of the WISC-IV. Kit Includes WPS-19 &p WPS-20.
Price: $90.00
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Here is an essential reference for psychologists who work in school settings. This convenient Handbook and Worksheet show you how to translate WISC-IV subtest score patterns into specific remedial activities designed to meet each child's needs.

The Handbook discusses full-scale and subtest interpretation, noting clinical and educational implications, the significance of discrepancies between IQ and achievement, and indicators of possible brain damage. It helps you make sound recommendations regarding educational placement and remediation, and it guides you in determining cutoffs for LD identification. Included in this edition are five case studies that demonstrate the use of the Worksheet/Interpretive Summary Form and illustrate psychological reports emphasizing recommendations beneficial to teachers. The final section, a teacher's guide, presents remedial recommendations and materials, grouped by four age levels: 6 to 8 years, 8 to 10 years, 10 to 12 years, and 12 to 16 years. In addition, it tells you where to obtain the recommended materials.

The Worksheet/Interpretive Summary Form makes it easier to organize and interpret test data for use in psychological reports. Completed in just 15 to 20 minutes, this convenient form allows you to systematically examine factors that influence achievement. You can record the quality of responses and language, internal and external subtest scatter, and behavior displayed during administration of each subtest. This information can then be included in the narrative section of your report.

Educational Applications of the WISC-IV is also available on CD. Just enter subtest and index scores, and the program will give you a full report, with recommended activities that allow you to address problem areas identified by the WISC-IV. Features of the computer program include comparisons between subtest and index scores, calculation of relevant clinical indicators, and the option to enter achievement test scores so that you can see the discrepancy between ability and achievement.

If you are responsible for translating test results into concrete educational objectives, teaching strategies, IEPs, or measurable learning progress, you'll find help in Educational Applications of the WISC-IV

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