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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : P / (PTI) Pictorial Test of Intelligence

(PTI-2-1) 2nd Ed Pictorial Test of Intelligence. It is helpful when: difficulty with fine motor skills and/or have a speech/language problem. The PTI-2 has three subtests: 1) Verbal Abstractions, 2) Form Discrimination, and 3) Quantitative Concepts
Price: $180.00

The PTI-2 is a revision of the Pictorial Test of Intelligence and is an objectively scored, individually administered test of general intelligence for children with and without disabilities. It is especially helpful when used with children who have difficulty with fine motor skills and/or have a speech/language problem. The test has been normed so that it can be used with children with cortical disorders or other conditions affecting speech and/or motor coordination. Respondents do not need to use expressive language, but they do need near-normal vision and hearing. None of the items are timed.

The PTI-2 has three subtests: 1) Verbal Abstractions, 2) Form Discrimination, and 3) Quantitative Concepts.

Standardized on 972 persons from 17 states. The PTI-2 provides three types of scores: percentiles, standard scores, and age equivalents. Reliability was demonstrated using coefficient alpha, test-retest, and interscorer procedures. Coefficient alphas for Verbal Abstractions, Form Discrimination, Quantitative Concepts, and Pictorial Intelligence Quotient are .89, .88, .88, and .94 respectively.

(PTI-2-2) Examiner's Manual
Price: $59.00

(PTI-2-3) Picture Book
Price: $77.00

(PTI-2-4) Profile/Examiner Record Booklet (25)
Price: $51.00

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