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| | Slosson Intelligence Test - 4th Edition 2017 SD = 15 (SIT - 4) | | KRT-LARSON Bilingual English/Spanish (KRT-L)
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Aberrant Behavior Checklist 2nd Edition (Community & Residential Combined) (ABC-2)
| | Diagnostic Screening Test Battery: Math; Reading; Spelling;Achievement;and and Language. (DST-1S) | | Differential Test of Conduct & Emotional Problems (DT) |
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| Slosson Phonics & Structural Analysis Test (SP-SAT) | | |
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Autism Screening Instrument for Edu. Planning (ASIEP-3) | Motor-Free Visual Perception Test 4th Edition (MVPT-4) | Essential Skills Screener (ESS) |
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Test Of Mathematical Abilities 3rd Edition (TOMA-3) | Screening Assessment for Gifted Elem.& Middle School Students (SAGES-3) | Slosson Intelligence Test Primary (SIT-P) |
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Test Of Memory And Learning 2nd Edition (TOMAL-2) | | Phonological Awareness Training for Reading 2nd Edition (PATR2) | | Gray Oral Reading Test 5th Edition (GORT-5) |
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| | Standardized Reading Inventory 2nd Edition (SRI-2) | Test Of Word Reading Efficiency 2nd Edition (TOWRE-2) |
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Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale 2nd Edition (RADS2) | | Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale (ASDS) | | Children's Depression Inventory 2nd Edition (CDI-2) |
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Comprehensive Test of Visual Functioning (CTVF) | | Slosson Intelligence Test Original Edition (SIT) | | Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children (KSPT) |
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Bully Busters (FLS-14) | | Gray Diagnostic Reading Test 2nd Edition (GDRT-2) | | Gray's Silent Reading Test (GSRT) |
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Diamonds in the Rough (D-2) | | Comprehensive Receptive Expressive Vocabulary Test (CREVT3-1) | | Slosson Intelligence Test Revised 3rd Ed. with Profile Analysis (SIT-R3-1P) |
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Articulation Stories For Older Students (ASFOS) | | Articulation Stories For Younger Students (ASFYS) | | Language Experience Stories For Your Students (LESFYS) |
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Visual Motor Integration 6th Edition (VMI-6) | | Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development Revised. (SICD-R) | | Cognitive Assessment of Young Children (CAYC) |
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Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Edition (SB5) | | Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood (SBE5-5th Ed) | |
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Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory (CEFI) | Edmark Functional Word Series 2nd Edition (EFWS-2) | | Curriculum for Oral Language Development (COLD) |
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Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale (DBRS) | | Vulpe Assessment Battery, Revised (VAB-R1) | |
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Test of Language Development-Primary (TOLD-P4)
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Test of Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA3)
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